
How Can I Start Making A Simple Paint Program In Html Canvas?


I've seen quite a few HTML5 canvass painting examples, but I had not seen one that worked on both a touch on screen, and on a normal desktop with a mouse.  This is just a very basic example of what is needed to get this characteristic working on both.


Some time back I had to develop an HTML5 customer input class which also included a  signature.  This would be used more often than not on a tablet, however it was possible information technology needed to be supported on a drawing pad and a desktop PC.  I viewed quite a few online examples of painting on the canvas, but none worked on touch on screens AND desktops:

This is merely an alternate to Gordon Kushner's article on the HTML5 canvas & painting.  His article can be found here:   His code works well; though again it does not work on a touch device.

Well-nigh of the code here I constitute from various examples on Code Project and Stack Overflow.  I only put them all together to go this demo working.

Using the code

This code just determines which device type y'all are using and sets upwards the canvas event handlers accordingly.

              <              !DOCTYPE                                          html              >              <              html                                          lang              ="              en"              >              <              head              >              <              meta                                          charset              ="              utf-8"                                          /              >              <              championship              >Desktops and Tablets<              /championship              >              <              script                                          blazon              ="              text/javascript"                                          src              ="    "              >              <              /              script              >              <              script                                          blazon              ="              text/javascript"              >              $(certificate).gear up(function              () {          initialize();       });                        office              getPosition(mouseEvent, sigCanvas) {              var              x, y;              if              (mouseEvent.pageX !=              undefined              && mouseEvent.pageY !=              undefined) {             10 = mouseEvent.pageX;             y = mouseEvent.pageY;          }              else              {             x = mouseEvent.clientX +              document.body.scrollLeft +              certificate.documentElement.scrollLeft;             y = mouseEvent.clientY +              document.torso.scrollTop +              document.documentElement.scrollTop;          }              return              { Ten: x - sigCanvas.offsetLeft, Y: y - sigCanvas.offsetTop };       }              part              initialize() {                        var              sigCanvas =              document.getElementById("              canvasSignature");              var              context = sigCanvas.getContext("              2d");          context.strokeStyle =              '              Blackness';                          var              is_touch_device =              '              ontouchstart'              in              document.documentElement;              if              (is_touch_device) {                           var              drawer = {                isDrawing:              false,                touchstart:              function              (coors) {                   context.beginPath();                   context.moveTo(coors.x, coors.y);              this.isDrawing =              true;                },                touchmove:              function              (coors) {              if              (this.isDrawing) {                      context.lineTo(coors.x, coors.y);                      context.stroke();                   }                },                touchend:              function              (coors) {              if              (this.isDrawing) {              this.touchmove(coors);              this.isDrawing =              false;                   }                }             };                             function              describe(effect) {                                var              coors = {                   x: event.targetTouches[0].pageX,                   y: event.targetTouches[0].pageY                };                                var              obj = sigCanvas;              if              (obj.offsetParent) {                                 do              {                      coors.x -= obj.offsetLeft;                      coors.y -= obj.offsetTop;                   } 				   				                while              ((obj = obj.offsetParent) !=              cipher);                }                                  drawer[event.type](coors);             }                             sigCanvas.addEventListener('              touchstart', draw,              false);             sigCanvas.addEventListener('              touchmove', draw,              false);             sigCanvas.addEventListener('              touchend', draw,              false);                            sigCanvas.addEventListener('              touchmove',              office              (event) {                event.preventDefault();             },              simulated);           }              else              {                                         $("              #canvasSignature").mousedown(function              (mouseEvent) {              var              position = getPosition(mouseEvent, sigCanvas);                  context.moveTo(position.Ten, position.Y);                context.beginPath();                                  $(this).mousemove(function              (mouseEvent) {                   drawLine(mouseEvent, sigCanvas, context);                }).mouseup(function              (mouseEvent) {                   finishDrawing(mouseEvent, sigCanvas, context);                }).mouseout(function              (mouseEvent) {                   finishDrawing(mouseEvent, sigCanvas, context);                });             });            }       }                              function              drawLine(mouseEvent, sigCanvas, context) {              var              position = getPosition(mouseEvent, sigCanvas);            context.lineTo(position.X, position.Y);          context.stroke();       }                                     function              finishDrawing(mouseEvent, sigCanvas, context) {                    drawLine(mouseEvent, sigCanvas, context);            context.closePath();                      $(sigCanvas).unbind("              mousemove")                      .unbind("              mouseup")                      .unbind("              mouseout");       }              <              /              script              >              <              /head              >              <              body              >              <              h1              >Canvas test<              /h1              >              <              div                                          id              ="              canvasDiv"              >              <!--                            <              sheet                                          id              ="              canvasSignature"                                          width              ="              500px"                                          height              ="              500px"                                          mode              ="              edge:2px solid #000000;"              >              <              /sheet              >              <              /div              >              <              /torso              >              <              /html              >



About the Writer

Software Developer

U.s. United States

I've been a developer since 2004. I work in C#, ASP, WPF, XAML, Silverlight, Windows Store, HTML/JavaScript/CSS, Java, Delphi, and SQL. I write for spider web, desktop, Android, Windows Mobile, Windows Store, and database servers.

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